Today, consumers are very aware of the impact products have on their well being, seeking food and items that are harvested or made by companies that prioritize the health of consumers, their supply chains and the environment. Consumers understand that these small choices can make a big impact on their health and global sustainability.
Better for Your Health
When it comes to food, more of us are choosing organic produce, grains and legumes. We opt for non-gmo, humanely-raised, pasture-grazed meat and poultry. We look for seafood that is lower in heavy metals, wild-caught and sustainably fished. It is common wisdom that we should avoid consuming toxins, but there is now a growing body of evidence that, not only what we consume, but what we absorb through our skin from our clothing and bedding also plays a critical role in our families’ overall health.
Your skin is actually the largest organ in your body. It plays the biggest role in both the release of toxins and the absorption of toxins. When you absorb toxins through the skin, the chemicals enter the lymphatic system, then into the bloodstream and on to the liver. When you sleep, your body temperature becomes elevated, which can actually increase the number of toxins that your body absorbs when you are sleeping in, on, and around toxic chemicals.
Cotton that is not produced organically, even if the manufacturer claims cotton is “all natural,” generally contains a tremendous amount of insecticides and other chemicals. Close to 20% of the world’s insecticides are used to treat standard cotton. Insecticides are known carcinogens and can impact the neurological and nervous systems in particular. Standard “all natural” cotton is also commonly treated with formaldehyde to enhance the feel and the look of the cotton product. Formaldehyde has been linked to cancer, headaches, breathing difficulties, asthma, eczema, insomnia, general fatigue and much more.
Conversely, organic bed products limit your body’s exposure to toxins during the period you are asleep, therefore allowing your skin to release, instead of absorb, anything toxic you have taken in during the daytime. Organic bedding allows your body to get the rest you need and to heal and recover to face the day ahead.
When we pay attention not only to what we stock our kitchen with, but also what we choose to make up our beds with, we can create conditions for optimal health for our families.
Better for The World
GOTS is the “worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibers, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.” Choosing GOTS certified organic fabric ensures not only that your bedding is free of substantial toxins, but also that the highest environmental standards are met, meaning water is conserved, products used on fabric are biodegradable, and any wastewater created is treatable.
At Gray Heron, if our blankets can’t be made responsibly and sustainably, we aren’t going to make the fabric. We put human health and ethical sourcing over profits each and every day.